

From new builds and extensions to refurbishments and restorations, in both residential and commercial, our expert structural engineers will make sure your project comes to life smoothly, efficiently and safely.

DSA Alphatauri project
DSA calculations services


Using 2D design we can provide detailed calculations for a range of projects including multi-storey concrete and steel frame buildings, bridge design, timber frame and all types of foundation design.

DSA 3D design and BIM services

3D design and BIM

Using 3D structural analysis and Building Information Modelling (BIM), our structural engineers create detailed construction models to enable efficient buildings so that everything is co-ordinated and integrated into one model.

DSA drawings services


Our expert structural engineers will create the detailed drawings you need to get your project off the ground. 2D or 3D, we'll provide them in the format to suit the project.

DSA feasibility and planning services

Feasibility and planning

If you feel you have more questions than answers then talk to us. Our structural engineers will help you work out if what you want to do is possible and help you navigate any potential planning permission issues.
